TOP offers is clients a valuable portfolio of services that will enhance the quality of their lives and their future.
Together on Purpose, Inc. has 4 empowering initiatives: TOP Community Workforce Development Program offers tailored construction training and certifications, addressing job demand in South Florida. D.R.E.A.M. Reentry Program -Dreams, Restored, Empowerment, Approaches for Men(tees) provides support and guidance for successful reentry and transition for returning citizens. Suited Up provides work attire and coaching support. Youth Empowerment Leadership Program mentors youth for continuing education readiness and workforce readiness and host annual SWFL Grads Trunk Fest. To Get Her On Purpose aids women in recovery and reentry, offering personalized coaching and support for overcoming challenges and restart homes for sober living.

The Most Effective…
Solution at reducing recidivism, unemployment, recovery coaching and homelessness.

Our participants to make sustainable personal changes that positively impact society.

Creating An Environment…
That encourages residents and prepares them for the next step in their recovery and independent living.
Together on Purpose, Inc. proudly introduces a range of empowering initiatives:
TOP Community Workforce Development Program in Construction Trades

– Specifically designed construction training tailored for under-resourced individuals, including returning citizens and justice-involved persons.
– Offers trades certification classes in English, Spanish, and within County Jail/Prison settings.
– Addresses the job demand in South Florida communities.
– Certifications include NCCER Core, Level 1, OSHA 30, Forklift, and FIU Completion.
D.R.E.A.M. Re-Entry/Suited Up – Work Apparel

Reentry/Recovery Community Workforce Development Program
Short for: Dreams Restored Empowerment Approaches for Men(tees)
Tailored reentry initiative for justice-involved individuals.
• Offers classes in English, Spanish, and within County Jail/Prison.
• Equips participants for entry-level construction jobs.
Specialized training for returning citizens in construction.
• Addresses job demand in South Florida communities.
• Provides skills for entry-level construction positions.
Certifications and Training:
• NCCER Core Curriculum Certification.
• NCCER Level 1 Certification.
• OSHA 30 in Construction.
• Forklift Certificate.
• FIU Completion Certificate.
Dreams, Restored, Empowerment, Approaches for Men(tees)
• support and guidance for successful reentry and transition
• Supporting participants with appropriate work attire, personal development training, and life coaching.
Youth Empowerment Leadership Program – SWFL Grads Trunk Fest

– An annual event dedicated to empowering youth as they transition into adulthood.
– Features training in Purpose, Potential, and Authentic Leadership.
– Focuses on Workforce Readiness and personal empowerment.
– Provides essential resources and support for a successful transition into the next chapter of life.
To Get Her On Purpose – Women’s Recovery and Empowerment
– Offers personalized coaching for women in recovery and reentry.
– Provides crucial support for a successful transition.
– Empowering women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals with confidence.
– Restart Homes for sober living (Launch TBD)
Help Us Build The Future Up… Together
We are always in need of like-minded individuals who believe everyone deserves a second attempt at a fruitful, productive life. Systems in place as they are have deemed it difficult to do so on their own.
By working together, we know for a fact that we can improve the chances of success for others destined to feel like failures.
Help us in anyway you can: donate so we can continue to improve our facilities, volunteer your services so you can work with individuals and hear their stories or provide goods and clothing for those in need.
Because after all, we are Together On Purpose.
“Our leaders, our staff and our volunteers all share a common goal of helping others find a place of comfort as they build themselves up into the best versions of themselves.”